Accident Scene Training
Ever come upon a motorcycle accident? Do you know what to do?
Well, I wasn’t sure myself so when Hazel Kolb Show-Me Riders had an Accident Scene Training class, I wanted to be there. It was held by Ann Newland, our Safety Coordinator. It was a simple affair. We divided into groups, than were given cards with a scenario that set each accident. We found out later that Ann had not made these up, but had personal knowledge of each.
We found out how important it is to know who has a first aid kit and/or medical training.
How many of you know where everyone in your group keeps their personal information? Who do you contact for them if the need arise? Is anyone willing to take care of the bike if need be?
I found that these are some of the questions that need to be discussed at our monthly chapter meetings.
Well, I feel that I will be able to be of help now and I hope this gave all of you some food for thought also. It was an eye-opener for me. May all of your rides be safe and accident-free.
Mary White
Assistant Ride Coordinator
Hazel Kolb Shoe-Me Riders
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